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Filter Reference

Color Filters

Color filters manipulate each pixel in isolation.


Clears one or more channels of an existing image with a particular color.

Argument Description
color The color to use to clear the image.
clear_red If the red channel of the image should be cleared.
clear_green If the green channel of the image should be cleared.
clear_blue If the blue channel of the image should be cleared.
clear_alpha If the alpha channel of the image should be cleared.

Clear Filter


Converts the RGB channels of an image to grayscale. This filter takes no arguments. Grayscale Filter


Inverts the RGB channels of an image. This filter takes no arguments. Invert Filter


Update the exposure of the image.

Argument Description
exposure The exposure adjustment to apply. 0 specifies no change. -2 to 2 is a recommended range to supply.

Exposure Filter


Update the brightness of the image.

Argument Description
brightness The brightness adjustment to apply. 0 specifies no change. 0 to 1 is a recommended range to supply.

Brightness Filter

RGBA Levels

Adjust the levels of the individual channels of the image.

Argument Description
red The adjust to the red channel of the image. 1 specifies no change. 0 to 1 is a recommended range to supply.
green The adjust to the green channel of the image. 1 specifies no change. 0 to 1 is a recommended range to supply.
blue The adjust to the blue channel of the image. 1 specifies no change. 0 to 1 is a recommended range to supply.
alpha The adjust to the alpha channel of the image. 1 specifies no change. 0 to 1 is a recommended range to supply.

RGBA Levels


Copy the data from one channel to another. Multiple channels may be copied in one shot allowing channel swizzling.

Argument Description
red The component to copy the red channel to.
green The component to copy the green channel to.
blue The component to copy the blue channel to.
alpha The component to copy the alpha channel to.

Swizzle Filter


Apply sepia toning to the image. This filter takes no arguments.

Sepia Filter


Adjust the contrast of an image.

Argument Description
contrast The contrast adjustment to apply. 1.0 specifies no adjustment. 0.0 to 4.0 is a recommended range.

Contrast Filter


Increase or decrease the saturation of an image.

Argument Description
saturation The saturation adjustment to apply. 0.0 specifies no adjustment. -1.0 to 1.0 is a recommended range.

Saturation Filter


Adjust the vibrance of the image.

Argument Description
vibrance The saturation adjustment to apply. 0.0 specifies no adjustment. -2.0 to 2.0 is a recommended range.

Vibrance Filter


Apply an angle adjustment to the hue of an image.

Argument Description
hue The angle of adjustment of the hue of the image.

Hue Filter


Set the opacity of an image.

Argument Description
opacity The new opacity of the image. The values must be between 0.0 and 1.0.


Luminance Threshold

Given a specific luminance value, set values of pixels less than that value to opaque black, and the others to opaque white.

Argument Description
luminance The luminance threshold. The values must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

Luminance Threshold

Image Filters

Image filters apply adjustment to groups of pixels.

Box Blur

Applies a filter that averages the pixel values around each pixel. The "radius" is the half-width of the box enclosing the pixel being sampled. The width and height of the box equals 2 * radius + 1. So increasing the size of the radius quickly increasing the number of pixels being sampled and things get expensive fast!

Box blurs are not in-place filters. The source and destination textures must be different.

An edge of radius pixels remains undefined in the destination image.

Argument Description
src The source texture to sample pixels from. The size of the src texture and the destination texture must match exactly.
radius The half-width of the box surrounding the pixel.

Box Blur

Gaussian Blur

Applies a Gaussian blur on the pixel values sampled from a box surrounding each pixel. The "radius" is the half-width of the box enclosing the pixel being sampled. The width and height of the box equals 2 * radius + 1. So increasing the size of the radius quickly increasing the number of pixels being sampled and things get expensive fast!

Gaussian blurs are not in-place filters. The source and destination textures must be different.

An edge of radius pixels remains undefined in the destination image.

Argument Description
src The source texture to sample pixels from. The size of the src texture and the destination texture must match exactly.
radius The half-width of the box surrounding the pixel.
sigma The standard deviation of the Gaussian function.

Gaussian Blur

Sobel Filter

Finds the edges in an image as determined using the Sobel operator. This filter runs two 3x3 convolution filters on a single image channel.

Sobel filters run on grayscale images. For this reason, it is possible to select a specific channel in the source image to use as the grayscale component. The target of the Sobel operation can also be directed to a specific channel.

Sobel filters are not in-place filters. The source and destination channels must be different. Unlike convolution kernels that operate on multiple components, it is possible to apply the filter to one channel of an image and store the results into another channel of the same image.

Since these filters operate on a single channel, it is usually necessary to duplicate destination channel across the remaining components to get a true grayscale image. Since the source channel is grayscale, it is also usually necessary to apply the grayscale filter to the source image.

Argument Description
src The source texture to sample pixels from. The size of the src texture and the destination texture must match exactly.
src_component The component in the source texture to use as the grayscale component.
dst_component The component in the destination texture to direct the result of the Sobel operation to.

Sobel Filter


Transitions interpolate between two images of the same size.

Fade Transition

Linearly interpolates pixel values between images of the same size.

Argument Description
from The first texture to sample pixels from. The size of the from texture, the to texture and the destination texture must match exactly.
to The second texture to sample pixels from. The size of the from texture, the to texture and the destination texture must match exactly.
t The value from 0.0f to 1.0f to use as the amount of the transition that has been completed.

Fade Transition

Swipe Transition

Show pixels from one image or the other based on how much the transition has completed.

Argument Description
from The first texture to sample pixels from. The size of the from texture, the to texture and the destination texture must match exactly.
to The second texture to sample pixels from. The size of the from texture, the to texture and the destination texture must match exactly.
t The value from 0.0f to 1.0f to use as the amount of the transition that has been completed.

Swipe Transition


Query image properties.

Average Color

Get a color where each component is the average of all the pixels in the image. This query takes no arguments.


Average Luminance

Gets the average luminance of all the pixels in the image. This query takes no arguments.

Is Opaque

Gets if the image is completely opaque.